ARIBAS has a well-equipped Library with the latest Reference books, Newsletters, Bulletins, Monographs, Literature, National
and International Journals. The Library have approximately over 5600+ Books - both Indian and Foreign, Scientific Journals,
Magazines and Periodicals spanning Technical and Management subjects
ARIBAS is registered under NLIST program, an Initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Under the National
Mission on Education through ICT and have access for the e-resources 3000+ ejournals and 75000+ ebooks through campus wide LAN and WiFi
Services Provide
- Circulation (Issue & Return)
- Reference and Information
- Book Reservation
- Database Search Service
- Old Question Papers(External on digital format)
- Document Scanning Facility (Faculty/Student: Academic Only)
Dr. Sanjay Parekh
Ph. D., M. Phil., MLISc. |
Assistant Librarian |
Mr. Pritesh Patel
M. A |
library Clerk |